A precision clogging team
in Asheville, NC

WNC’s Premier Precision Clogging Team
Mountain Thunder Cloggers
The Mountain Thunder Cloggers is a precision clogging team based out of Asheville, North Carolina. We are a family-oriented team with ages ranging from 7 through 80+. Precision clogging is different than traditional clogging and each week we come to class and learn various steps which we then put to all styles of music…. although we mostly dances to bluegrass/country music. No partners are needed – MTC learns most our routines in straight lines. We teach beginner classes during the year, as well as intermediate levels. Learn more…

Kate Guzy
Kate is the founder, director and instructor of the Mountain Thunder Cloggers. She started the group in 2003 with just a few students and has grown the group to be one of Western North Carolina’s premier clogging teams. Kate is a Nationally Certified Clogging Instructor and also a Certified Judge/Rules Rep. She travels on the weekends to various competitions throughout the southeast. Learn more about Kate…